Designing and developing for the web is, in many ways, easier today than it was when the web first launched. Even though there was less functionality on websites 25 years ago, there also were no tools to help non-programmers navigate the creation of a page.

The number of tools available to help create websites has increased exponentially in that time. But so has the complexity of the web. Now a simple, static page looks, well, like a simple, static page. Forms, data fed pages, mobile optimization, even web applications and progressive web apps have made it difficult for a business to stand up a quick website and call it done.

Yet there is still a misconception that creating a web presence is an easy thing. And for those businesses that already have in-house technical staff, the temptation to develop your own web properties may be great. However, much like the development of any other application, there is more to it than meets the eye.

Unless you already have a web development team well versed in the current technologies and platforms that are sitting around doing nothing – highly unlikely – you should consider outsourcing your web development. Why? Below you’ll find the four biggest reasons why web development outsourcing is the right decision for your business.

Outsourced Web Teams Have More Experience

If you’ve got a dedicated web development team in-house, you’re probably not out looking for alternatives. But without an experienced internal team standing by to do this work, you may be wondering if you have other talent available that can take care of your web development needs without outsourcing.

You should consider outsourcing your web development projects because the partner team you choose is dedicated to the development of websites and applications and will have the experience to steer you away from issues. You may want to add a feature you’ve seen on another site to yours, but your outsourcing partner for web development might be aware that feature doesn’t work well on a platform important to your users, like mobile.

They will also know what works well for users, and what to avoid. Having a team with usability experience in the specific kind of web presence you’re looking for can mean the difference between having a clunky, difficult interface with hard to access functionality that drives users away or one that is seamless and clean that draws users in.

You’ll Get Your Web Presence Faster with Outsourcing

The reality is that an outsourced web development team has experience in exactly what you need to have done. This means that the work that they do for you will get done quickly, will be done correctly, and will be completed with maximum efficiency. An internal team without this exact experience might be able to do the work, but there will be a learning curve to get it done correctly, and that takes time.

A contract web development team will understand immediately what needs to be done and how to do it. There won’t be a research phase where the team tries to understand a new set of technologies, or re-development of pieces because in the process of building the site or application the developer learned a new, better way to do something they had already programmed.

Your Internal Team Stays Focused

If you do, in fact, have an internal team of developers, you’ll need to pull them off of other mission-critical project to work on your web project. Plus, while working on your website or app, it’s likely they will be frequently distracted as they get questions or are asked to fix issues on existing software that they support.

Many development teams are already experiencing an IT resource gap. So, while it seems like there is a cost saving to have an internal team do the project, your web project is costing you a great deal more in opportunity costs.

By leveraging outsourced web developers, your internal IT teams can stay focused on critical projects for your organization. It may seem costly to have an outside web development partner do the work, because of their experience and efficiency the project will actually cost you less in the end.

Outsourced Web Developers Will Meet User Expectations

Today’s web users are a savvy group. They are used to automated form fills, swiping, and clicking and have enough experience that they have expectations on how a site or application should behave. To impress them, or even hold their attention, you’ll need to develop a web experience that meets their expectations.

But just like a new chef doesn’t jump in and create a 4 course, 5-star meal, developers who are new to web coding and usability will have trouble creating a web property that keeps your users coming back and satisfied with their experience.

When you choose to outsource your web development to a qualified partner, along freeing your team up to work on their own projects and gaining the benefits of their experienced team, you’ll also have a group that understands what users expect and want. There are many reasons why a user might abandon a website. Your outsourced web development partner will keep you from creating an experience that disappoints your audience.

Most enterprises and even smaller businesses consider bringing their web development in-house, assuming that it will save money. But by outsourcing your web development to a partner you can trust, your project will be more efficient, more cost-effective, and in the end, you’ll have a better product that represents your organization.